Psoriasis Itch

Over the last two years I have noticed that I most frequently itch my psoriasis when I feel nervous. I experienced a moment of shock while watching a movie, and became very nervous at once about a week ago. As I was sitting in the dark movie theater, I began to itch a spot on my arm and unfortunately itched too hard! To the point of bleeding. I wasn't aware at first and then realized my arm felt like it had a cut, but I couldn't see due to the lighting. When I entered the restroom I realized I had itched my psoriasis spot off. It is quite an uncomfortable feeling. My first instinct was to rinse it with cold water and then put a band-aid on it to avoid infection. Here is an image of what my psoriasis spot looked like after I unintentionally picked it off due to nervousness: 

July 20, 2017

If you are wondering how long it took for the spot to heal, you will be pleasantly surprised! At least I was. It took a total of 3 days for the spot to return back to its normal state. Except this time, there are no flaky spots on the uppermost surface of my skin. Below is an image of the psoriasis spot 1 day after the incident occurred. I felt as though it was appropriate to let the spot breathe so I removed the band-aid the day after. 

July 21, 2017

Here is a final image of the spot completely healed and returning to a lighter color:

July 23, 2017

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