Psoriasis and bathing suits: It's okay to cover up

Swimming can often be intimidating for those who suffer with psoriasis. It has been a challenge for me to find bathing suits that I am comfortable wearing, knowing that my psoriasis will be shown to the public. Although some people are educated on psoriasis and are aware that it is an autoimmune disorder that is not contagious. Meaning that if you are around someone who has psoriasis or come into contact with a psoriasis breakout, you will not have a psoriasis breakout yourself. These thoughts keep running through my mind as I think about my vacation this summer to the Bahamas. I am very excited but also very nervous as I am not going to an all adults resort. This worries me because I have never been around children with my psoriasis exposed. I cannot imagine the types of thoughts and assumptions they would have, and think that they will judge me falsely. The first time I had gone to a resort for vacation with my psoriasis was to the Dominican Republic at an all adults resort. This was two summer ago, and actually psoriasis was the reason why I had gone. My mother was convinced that the natural salt water and sunbathing will cleanse my psoriasis breakouts away, and it did! I was spot free. Maybe it was because I was not worrying about sunbathing in my bikini around adults, regardless of my psoriasis that covered my stomach. I was not insecure about anyone having false assumptions about my health and knew that the crowd was much more mature. This time around, I decided to prepare for my vacation by buying a one-piece bathing suit in case I become insecure within the 7 days. Although I strongly believe that my psoriasis on my stomach healed in the Dominican Republic very quickly because it was directly exposed to the sun without any material covering it; I think that I will still see results if I wear one-piece bathing suits as well as bikinis every now and then. I guess my idea of buying this one-piece bathing suit is that I have a backup and nothing should stop me from enjoying the natural benefits of the outdoors. It is relaxing to know that I will have a bathing suit to wear that does not fully expose my insecurities to the public, especially a crowd that may be unaware of this particular condition.

Here is a photo of my one-piece bathing suit. I decided to make it grey scale to represent my feelings towards this concept of owning a one-piece bathing suit - since it is the first one I have ever purchased. The grey scale tone in this photo represents a time of uncertainty for me. It is interesting because the bathing suit itself is black and white - and some may view black and white as a concrete answer; an answer that is clear and defined. But the grey tones explain a moment of uncertainty for me in this black and white bathing suit. It explains that I am unsure if this bathing suit will be a security blanket for me when I feel as though I am being falsely judged by strangers. But it also may explain an area of uncertainty whether or not I will be able to break out of my shell and stop fearing an age group that has less likelihood to be educated on psoriasis. I am extremely nervous but also very excited to go on my trip to the Bahamas, especially since I have never been to the island of Grand Lucayan! How exciting. One thing that I don't want to hold me back from enjoying this trip is my body and my psoriasis breakouts. There is something very comforting about knowing that I have this one-piece bathing suit to go to when I am feeling insecure. I feel more prepared. Although I wish I can go fully out in a two-piece bikini, I am confident in my decision to get a one-piece bathing suit if I cannot bring myself to wear my old bikinis on vacation this time around. I have nothing against children, but I do worry about their judgement. One thing I hope to gain from this trip is body confidence, and not to over worry about the possibilities that could happen with body insecurities. Hopefully this bathing suit will save me during moments of anxiety, but also give me the option to wear what I feel most comfortable in.

I never pictured myself to want to hide my body at such a tender age of 21. I love my body shape. I just do not love what is on the surface of my skin. I am hoping for the best. My ultimate goal is to spread body confidence with those suffering with skin conditions such as psoriasis which may hold them back from everyday life. It gives me hope to know that although there is no physical cure to psoriasis, I may potentially achieve mental healing to cope with any mental disruptions that my psoriasis insecurities may inflict onto me. I love my body and I want to love my skin as well. All of this takes time. I understand this. Although I am impatient, I'm very hopeful that I will clear my psoriasis one day, hopefully soon. And if not, I hope to gain confidence in my own skin - with psoriasis or without it.

Grey thoughts of uncertainty with definite black and white hopes

August 3, 2017


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