New Instagram Account: mypsoriasistimeline

In efforts to try and expand my psoriasis timeline, I have created an Instagram account with the same username in order to allow easy access to my posts. I have gained many new connections already and it has only been 2 days since I have created the account. It is very therapeutic to blog on another social media platform since there are many people suffering with the same condition, just found on different websites. It is exciting and a little nerve wrecking as well to post on Instagram as I know more of my family members and friends use the app as well. It has not been easy overcoming my shyness about showing my psoriasis but I know it will be worth it if at least one person benefits from it. It feels great to know that there are like-minded persons out there in all parts of the world, aiming towards bettering themselves and becoming a healthier version of themselves. This is a goal of mine and I become more and more inspired as I meet new people with different coping mechanisms. I post more often on the Instagram account and find that it is easier to be notified when others interact with my account due to notifications being sent directly to my phone rather than my laptop. Both Blogger and Instagram are great tools to document my psoriasis journey and I hope to expand my connections everyday with new posts. Follow me on Instagram at

I hope both accounts create a platform for people to speak freely about their conditions and break free from the stigma that may be felt by those who have psoriasis. Here is a little peek at what my account looks like so far:


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