Spots in strange spots: psoriasis on ankle

I have recently discovered more and more spots on areas of my body which are located close to a bone or directly above a bone. For example, I have had a small spot on my ankle since last year (2016) and it is still growing bigger and bigger everyday. The first time I have photographed my spot directly above my ankle bone (I'm not sure what the exact bone is called). 

January 23, 2016

As you can see, the spot is not very large, but it is flaky and redder on the left side, most likely due to itching. It is quite uncomfortable having this spot and wearing shows that are shaped in a way to constantly rub against my ankle. It is as though the spot becomes scratched by my shoe at times. Luckily, it is summer now and my psoriasis on my feet are getting a break with open shoes! The most recent photo I have of this particular spot was taking this summer. Here is the attached photo below:

July 27, 2017

It is noticeably larger in size, but also lighter in color. The lightness in color indicates healing, as more and more skin is shedding off the surface of the spot. It is also less inflamed due to less contact with shoes. 

One thing that has crossed my mind while thinking about the location of this particular spot is the possibility of having a spot near your toes. This would be much more painful in my opinion since there would be even more contact and friction placed onto the psoriasis spot which would cause more inflammation and slower healing. Not to mention the possibility of bleeding. I used to get blisters all the time from wearing uncomfortable shoes, and I cannot imagine the pain that would be felt from having a psoriasis spot in areas that are prone to blisters. Hopefully this spot will heal before the colder weather approaches. I certainly am not looking forward to dryer skin in the winter and the need to wear tight boots that rub against my feet. 


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